Responsible are:

HAPEKO Hanseatisches Personalkontor Deutschland GmbH
Großer Burstah 1 · 20457 Hamburg
Fon 040. 822 99 11 80 ·
CEO: Tania Venema · Arne Kaiser
Trade register: HRB 157129 · Amtsgericht Hamburg

HAPEKO International Lizenzgesellschaft mbH & Co. KGStrandweg 19 · 23570 Lübeck

Trade register: HR A 6938 HL · Amtsgericht Lübeck

represented by the general partner Hanseatisches Personalkontor Christoph A. Nehring Verwaltung GmbH, which is represented by Mr. Christoph A. Nehring and Ms. Tania Venema.

Data Privacy Officer: Mauß Datenschutz GmbH
Neuer Wall 1020354 Hamburg
Phone: 040 / 999 99 52-0

External links
Despite careful control of the contents, we do not assume any liability for the contents of external links. Only the operators of the linked websites are responsible for their content.

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